Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Beach Walkers.

I went out to the beach. It's cold and windy. I was wearing shorts and i got sand blasted. I walked about a mile down the beach and sat down. For the first time in ages, I forgot everything. I didn't think about my ex, the kids, bills, the dog shit and cigarette butts everywhere, the hookers, the junkies, the gangs, the pan handlers, nothing. I completely forgot the ugliness of the city for awhile. It was nice. I want to forget everything. I don't want to be sad any more. There wasn't a single other person out there. I was alone. Listening to music in the blowing sand watching waves.
On the way back to the brown hole(my apartment) I walked through a park. There was this Mexican family eating lunch. I said hello. They all waved and said "feliz navidad". I walked back home with a smile on my face.